Professor Julian Cheng from University of British Columbia Delivers a Lecture in NJUPT


In the afternoon of April 10, full-time professor Julian Cheng, from the College of Engineering of UBC, delivered a speech entitled “How to Write an IEEE Style Paper and Get it Published?”in the lecture hall, on the first floor of the Science Hall in Sanpailou Campus, the old campus of NJUPT.

With the topic of how to write IEEE periodical scientific papers and how to ensure the publication of scientific papers, Prof. Julian Cheng made in-depth illustrations of the elements of scientific papers, writing rules, how to improve writing skills, the selection of journals to contribute to, the course of examination, and the revision of articles, and gave guidance on common writing errors and some noticeable points in the course of replying to reviewers’comments. After the lecture, Prof. Julian Cheng had a forum with teachers of the Internet of Things Academy.

In 1995, Prof. Julian Cheng graduated from the University of Victoria in Canada with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Then he received a master's degree in mathematics and engineering from Queen's University in 1997. After graduating from the University of Alberta in 2003, he continued to work as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2005, he started working as a lecturer at Lakehead University, University of Alberta, University of Texas at Dallas, and University of British Columbia. Prof. Julian Cheng is an editorial board member of several journals like IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Transactions on Communications, and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.